2021, August - 'Field of view' - Group exposition, Schiedam, NL
In the exhibition 'Field of View', of which I had the honour to be curator, visual artists show how they view their
environment and how they creatively shape it.
At the same time, their environment strongly determines what they
can do and how they become inspired.
“We make our world what we are. The world makes us who we are.”
During the 'Field of View' exhibition, twenty-one artists provide insight into their world view with their work.
They do so in the context of a forest, a polder and a city that have influenced the results.
'Field of View' is a co-production with Ton Krijnen en Jolanda Peeters.
During the exhibition works were shown from the following artists:
Judith Aardse
Karin van As
Marita Beukers
Mirjam Boomert
Ilona Bruins
Pim van Halem
willem van hest
Aldo Hoeben
Inge Hoefnagel
Carine Hooijkaas
Friedie Kloen
Yvon Koopman
Ton Krijnen
Zhanhong Liao
Magriet Mostert
Jolanda Peeters
Frances Raboen
Pauline Tonkens
Rob van der Ven
Andie Wieringa