2022, 'Falling horses' -
Why do falling horses appear so often in my work?
Totilas, a wonder horse.
In 2009, after his first success with his horse Totilas, Edward Gal says:
'To be honest, I never imagined a horse that would be this good.'
The jet-black stallion has it all: suppleness, power and an expression that is praised worldwide.
Until a nightmare comes true.
After the sale to new owner Rath and Totilas disappointed during the European Championships in Rotterdam,
which was the last time the two could be admired in the competition ring.
They never returmed to action after a minor injury to Totilas' front leg threw a spanner in the works.
A book about my artwork related to falling horses.
The life of the horse has changed enormously over the past thousands of years, from steppe animal to sport horse.
The horse is originally wild, but has been domesticated (tamed) by man. Horses were used in the past as beasts of burden,
for waging wars, as a means of transport and on the farm for plowing and haymaking.
But from the mechanization of
agriculture and the arrival of the car, the horse lost its practical function.
Nowadays the horse is a companion animal and is used for recreation, sport and show.
Falling horses in art history.
Falling horses in my work.
- Paintings
- Pencil drawings
- Computer works
- Art in the public space
- Models, statues